Did you know that is possible to integrate your robot on your website by Google Tag Manager? This article will explain the process to integrate it on you establishment's page.
Step by step
1. Administrator our Manager access in the Asksuite's admin panel;
2. Questionnaire fully complete;
3. Activation questionnaire reviewed and by our Onboarding team;
4. Access to Google Tag Manager's platform
5. Have the Hotel's account linked to the Google Tag Manager
6. Make sure that the company's account container is linked to the website
🔍 What is a container?
It is a code compound by a group of macros, rules and tags, represented in the format "GTM-XXXXXX". A Tag Manager's account have one or more containers. To learn more,click here.
Step by step
1. Access your GTM account
⚠️ Attention: Be sure that the container you are setting is the same it is on your website
2. On the dashboard, click on Add new tag;
3. Name the new tag
4. Click anywhere inside the "Tag configuration" box
5. Choose the tag type: Custom HTML
6. Copy and Paste the robot's code in the HTML space;
7. In the same screen, activate the checkbox Support document.write;
This is how it should looks:
7. Now, click anywhere inside thetriggeringbox;
8. Next, click in the "+" on the right top side of the screen to create a new trigger;
9. Name the trigger;
10. Click anywhere inside theTrigger configuration's box
11. Choose the trigger type asPage view.
12. Select the optionSome page views;
13. Now you will need to set the triggering condition. You must select:
- Page Hostname
- Contains
- Site's domain
For exemple: Considering we want to integrate the bot in the asksuite's website. The link is: http://www.asksuite.com
On the Google Tag Manager trigger, you need insert the domains page that is on the website address. In this case, you should add in the trigger "asksuite.com"
14. Click onSaveon the trigger screen;
15. Click onSaveon the Tag screen;
16. On the main screen of your GTM, click on Submit to publish the new tag
Name the version (exemple: Asksuite's robot) and publish to activate the new Tag
Done! Now your Robot is already set and working on your website. 😉
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