Have you discovered our AI Teaching Library yet? If not, take a look at this article on How does the AI Teaching Library Work?, but if you already know how to navigate the content of the library, here you'll learn how to easily implement teachings for your AI agent!
- How do I select a teaching to install?
- How do I install teachings?
- How do I change the response of an installed teaching?
- How do I remove an installed teaching?
How do I select a teaching to install?
There are two ways to select a teaching to be installed via the AI Teaching Library.
- Through the home screen:
On the home screen, in the “Latest models created by Asksuite” table, you can see the teachings most recently added to the library. If any of them catch your attention, you can install them directly by clicking the “Teach” button.
- By browsing the AI Teaching Library:
If you are browsing the AI Teaching Library content, each teaching has a “Teach” button. Simply click it to access the installation.
How do I install teachings?
When you click on “Teach”, a new page will be displayed, starting the installation process in just one or two steps, depending on whether the user has access to more than one property. Here is the step-by-step installation process:
1- Choose an answer
Since most questions have predictable responses, we have prepared some ready-made alternatives, which you can select by clicking on the “Use this response” button. If you want to make a small change, you can edit one of the suggested responses by clicking on “Edit response”.
Finally, if you want a personalized or more complex response, select the “Write a custom response” button to create an one from scratch.
After selecting or writing a response, the button in the lower right corner will say “Finish and teach” if the user only has access to one property, ending the process and installing the teaching for this property. If the user has access to multiple properties, it will say “Continue”, starting the second and final step.
2- Choose which properties to install
In the new window, you can select the properties in which the new teaching will be installed. You can use the search bar to find a specific property, or the “Select all” button to install the teaching in all properties.
If one or more of the properties does not have the language of the teaching being installed, it will not be selectable on this list.
After selecting the properties that will receive the new teaching, simply click on “Finish and teach”, your AI agent is all set to respond to travelers with the new content.
How do I change the response of an installed teaching?
Once installed, the teaching remains visible in the AI Teaching Library, indicating the properties where it is installed.
When clicking on the ellipsis in the upper right corner of the teaching, three options should appear, and “Edit response” will be among them.
When you click on “Edit response”, a new page will be displayed to allow you to change the response registered in the teaching. Simply edit the text and click on “Save and finish” so that the new response is available to your travelers.
How do I remove an installed teaching?
If you want to remove an installed teaching from one or more properties, simply click on the ellipsis in the upper right corner of the teaching, and three options should appear, with “Delete teaching” among them.
When you click on “Delete teaching”, a property selection page will be displayed, with those that already have the teaching installed. Simply select the properties from which you want to remove the teaching and click “Remove teaching” to apply the changes.
There you have it! Now you know how to install a teaching from the AI Teaching Library, or modify an existing teaching! If you have any questions, our support team is always happy to help!
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