The booking confirmation workflow sends a message to every traveler who closes a booking after it is registered.
Steps to Set Up this Workflow:
1. Go to the “Workflows” menu.
2. Click on the three dots next to the “Reservation Confirmation” workflow and click “Edit flow.”
3. Locate and click on the blue “Wait 1 day” block.
4. The default for this flow is to wait 1 day from the moment the booking was confirmed. However, you can modify it according to your needs, whether it is a fixed time or a period (days, hours, minutes). Don't forget to change the name of the block to reflect the period that AskFlow will wait.
To send messages at a fixed time, enable the “Fixed time” option and select the desired time (e.g., 10 AM as shown below).
If you want to configure the messages to only be sent within a specific window, to avoid sending messages at dawn, for example, the first step is to create a custom time period. Only then do you enable the “Custom time period” option > select the option between within or outside > select the created range. See more in this article.
If a message is scheduled for the early morning, AskFlow will wait until the first available time within the selected period to send the message.
5. Click “Save block.”
6. Next, locate and click on the purple block “Check if the agent has sent a message recently.”
7. In the “Period action” field, define how far back in time AskFlow should search to see if there were messages sent in the conversation, that is, if there is an active conversation in progress. By default, the flow is configured to check 15 minutes back in the conversation, but you can edit according to your needs.
8. By default, only messages sent by agents are considered, to prevent AskFlow from interfering in chats that have already had interaction with an agent, but you can choose between traveler, robot or anyone else.
9. Click “Save block.”
10. Locate and click the purple block labeled “Send message.”
11. Select the desired message template. If the template includes variables (e.g., "Traveler's name"), map them to the corresponding fields in AskFlow (e.g., “Name”).
Note: To use fixed data instead of a variable, select the “Fixed data” option and type the desired text. Example: If you type “Traveler,” all messages will replace the variable “Traveler's name” with “Traveler.”
12. Assign a tag to be sent to the chat when AskFlow triggers the message.
13. To define AI Behavior, choose one of the following options based on how the system should respond if the traveler replies to the message:
- Stop robot: The message will be forwarded to a human agent.
- Turn on robot: The robot will continue responding to travelers.
- Keep robot status: The current handling mode will remain unchanged.
Note: If you select “Stop robot,” ensure a distribution rule is set up for the tag to prevent travelers from being left without support.
14. Click “Save block.”
15. Then, click “Active workflow” and confirm the action.
16. Click “Save” in the top-right corner to finalize the setup.
Your Reservation Confirmation workflow is now set up and ready to use!
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