Read our article below to learn how to include new members to our platform. 😃
The great thing about Asksuite's Administration Panel is being able to monitor and adjust many aspects of your chatbot, such as usage statistics, service history, registered replies among others.
Now, you can share all of this with other members of the hotel's staff, like the reservations center team, the marketing guys, management, well, whoever you want! After all, with so much functionality being offered on our platform, every one of your business' area will be contemplated so that we can work together towards offering a better customer service to your potential guests and increase direct reservations. 🤑
With this in mind, we've given you the possibility to manage the users who can access our platform. You will need to:
1. Go to your Administration Panel;
2. Click on "Settings" and then on "Users";
3. Next, just click on "New user", on the upper right corner of the screen;
4. You will then have to register the new user's information, such as Name, E-mail address and hotel or chain's unit for which the person is responsible for. Also, it's possible to select the panel's language;
5. Select the user's access permission;
- Manager: has access to all the menus on the administration panel, but cannot add or remove users;
- Attendant: only has access to the live chats, help center and statistics. Cannot add or remove users.
6. Don't forget to click on "Save", ok? 😄
- The new users will have the same access as you to the platform, except they will not be able to add or remove other users;
- Every time a new user is added, he/she will receive an email with access instructions.
- If your user is unable to EDIT or DELETE, click on "Logout" and Login again.
- We still do not have more restricted access levels, but our super engineer team is already working on it. ✌️
❤️ Any further questions? Just talk to our support team! ❤️
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