The way your hotel information is presented to travelers is very important, and to improve your communication with potential guests, strengthen the establishment's image, and enhance customer relations, we offer the possibility to include photos in your chatbot.
Topics covered
Why include images in the chatbot?
Why include pictures on the chatbot?
According to studies, about 45% of people respond better to images than text. This is because images grab attention - people are more visually stimulated - and they receive the message quickly. Additionally, people tend to make judgments based on images, so including photos that represent the best features your establishment has to offer is extremely important!
When customizing your questionnaire, remember to select well-framed and high-quality photos of the rooms, services, leisure options, city attractions, and more. Your potential guests will certainly be captivated after seeing all the hotel's strengths in your chatbot. 😉
We don't have strict restrictions on including images in your robot, but we have some tips to make your photo gallery look great. Here we go!
- Preferably use images with dimensions of 600x400.
- If you can't find images in the mentioned dimensions, try to follow a consistent size pattern. Avoid mixing horizontal and vertical photos, for example, from different devices.
- If you're uploading images, the maximum allowed size is 500kb.
- Make sure the photos are well lit and show exactly what you want to present.
- Don't forget to check the photos on your booking engine to ensure they are of good quality. They will be shown in your robot during inquiries made by travelers.
Step by step
1. Access your Administrative Panel.
2. Click on Questionnaire.
3. Choose the topic where you want to add the photos.
In the questionnaire, the galleries/carousels are presented as follows: each item represents a photo in the robot's view. Below is an example:
On the left side, you have the editing screen for image information, texts, and buttons, and on the right side, you have the preview of the carousel item you created.
See how the gallery is presented in practice:
4. Now it's time to upload the photo to your robot:
You have two ways to add photos to your questionnaire. Let's go!
- Photos already on your computer: Click on Upload, then click on Choose File to select the photo. Finally, click on Send, and it will be uploaded to your questionnaire.
- Photos hosted on a website: On the website page, choose an image to add to the robot. Right-click on it and select Copy Image Address:
Back in the questionnaire, in the carousel item, press CTRL+V or right-click and select Paste in the Image Link field to transfer the website photo to your robot;
After completing these steps, don't forget to click Save to keep the information registered in the questionnaire. 😉
General questions
→ Can I add GIF format images? Yes!
→ My image is above 500kb. Can I reduce the size? Yes, click here to learn more.
→ Is it possible to resize the image? Yes, click here to learn more.
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