Understand how the creation of Email Templates quotation templates works.
Where does the quotation information come from?
Email Templates are integrated with your reservation engine, That means it runs searches in the engine directly. In other words, when getting a quotation ready, Email Templates will only show information regarding rooms you have available according to your reservation engine.
How can I edit the translations on the quotation email?
Email Templates translations are available only for clients who have an Omnibees reservation engine, and that's because the language information comes straight from there. That means that editing the translations has to be done on Omnibees.
What page is the traveler directed to when clicking on "Book Now" on the email?
When travelers clicks on "Book Now" they'll be directed to your reservations engine's page, which'll be filtered to show the same quotation information that was sent on the email, and there they'll be able to complete the purchase.
Why are there no available rooms when requesting a quotation?
Email Templates are integrated with reservation engines, and the quotations template will only show information regarding rooms that are available during the requested period according to the engines availability. Therefore, we suggest you verify on the reservation engine if there are available rooms for the requested period.
If you've identified that indeed there are available rooms and yet the Email Templates are not finding rooms, get in touch with our Support Team and we'll help you! 😉
❤️ Any further questions? Just talk to our support team! ❤️
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